Monday 10 February 2014

How to Activate the New YouTube Layout

How to Activate the New YouTube Layout Before Everyone Else.
Hi all users, Now a days YouTube is testing a new design for both the homepage and the video page, which will give it a much cleaner look than the current one.The new design is very much inspired by the one Google+ unveiled a few months back,down to the annoying amounts of whitespace used sometimes,made more visible by the left-centered layout

Follow Below steps to Activate
  1. 1. First of all , go to Then open the console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+K, in Chrome it's Ctrl+Shift+J. In Opera, you can hit Ctrl+Shift+I and select the Console tab in Dragonfly
  2. Then paste below code to the console document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU"; 
  3. Close your development tools, then reload The YouTube Now all done Enjoy.
Kindly G+1 this post thanks ..:)

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